The Confession of Chattox
Chattox's Familiar called 'Fancy'
The said Anne Whittle, alias Chattox, upon her examination, voluntarily confesseth, and sayth, that about fourteen or fifteen years ago, a thing like a Christian man for four years together, did sundry times come to her, and requested her to give him her soul: and in the end, this she was contented to give him her said soul, she being then in her own house, in the Forest of Pendle; whereupon the devil then in the shape of a man, said to her: 'thou shalt want nothing; and be revenged of whom thou list'.
And the devil then further commanded her, to call him by the name of Fancy; and when she wanted any thing, or would be revenged of any, call on Fancy, and he would be ready.
And the said spirit or devil, did appear unto her not long after, in mans likeness, and would have had her to have consented, that he might hurt the wife of Richard Baldwin of Pendle; but she would not then consent unto him: for which cause, the said devil would then have bitten her by the arm; and so vanished away, for that time.
Killing of Robert Nutter
And she further sayth, that Robert Nutter did desire her daughter one Redfearne's wife, to have his pleasure of her, being then in Redfearne's house: but the said Redfearne's wife denied the said Robert; whereupon the said Robert seeming to be greatly displeased therewith, in a great anger took his horse, and went away, saying in a great rage, that if ever the ground came to him, she should never dwell upon his land.
Whereupon she [Chattox] called Fancy to her; who came to her in the likeness of a man in a parcel of ground called, the Laund; asking her, 'what she would have him to do?'
And this she bade him go revenge her of the said Robert Nutter. After which time, the said Robert Nutter lived about a quarter of a year, and then died.
And she further sayth, that Elizabeth Nutter, wife to old Robert Nutter, did request this her, and Loomeshaw's wife of Burley, and one Jane Boothman, of the same, who are now both dead, (which time of request, was before that Robert Nutter desired the company of Redfearn's wife) to get young Robert Nutter his death, if they could; all being together then at that time, to that end, that if Robert were dead, then the women their cousins might have the land: by whose persuasion, they all consented unto it.
After which time, her son in law Thomas Redfearne, did persuade her, not to kill or hurt the said Robert Nutter; for which persuasion, the said Loomeshaw's wife, had like to have killed the said Redfearne, but that one Mr. Baldwin (the late school master at Colne) did by his learning, stay the said Loomeshaw's wife, and therefore had a capon [chicken] from Redfearne.
And she further sayth, that she thinketh the said Loomeshaw's wife, and Jane Boothman, did what they could to kill the said Robert Nutter, as well as she did.

She Chattox sayth, that she was sent for by the wife of John Moore, to help drink that was forespoken or bewitched: at which time she used this prayer for the amending of it, viz.
A Charm
Three biters hast thou bitten,
The heart, ill eye, ill tongue:
Three bitter shall be thy boote,
Father, son, and holy ghost a gods name.
Five pater-nosters,
Five avies and a creede,
In worship of five wounds
of our lord.
After which time that she had used these prayers, and amended her drink, the said Moore's wife did chide her, and was grieved at her.
And thereupon she called for her devil Fancy, and bad him go bite a brown cow of the said Moore's by the head, and make the cow go mad: and the devil then, in the likeness of a brown dog, went to the said cow, and bit her: which cow went mad accordingly, and died within six weeks next after, or thereabouts.
And further she sayth, that the devil, or Fancy, hath taken most of her sight away from her. And further she sayth, that in summer last, save one, the said devil, or Fancy, came upon her in the night time: and at diverse and sundry times in the likeness of a bear, gaping as though he would have wearied her.
And the last time of all she saw him, was upon Thursday last year but one, next before midsummer day, in the evening, like a bear, and she would not then speak unto him, for the which the said Devil pulled this examinate down.
Killing of Anthony Nutter
Also she sayth, that she perceiving Anthony Nutter of Pendle to favour Elizabeth Southerns, alias Demdike, she called Fancy to her, (who appeared like a man) and bad him go kill a cow of the said Anthony; which the said devil did, and that cow died also.
Bewitching a Horse
The said Anne Chattox being examined sayth, that the wife of one person of Padiham, is a very evil woman, and confessed to her, that she is a witch, and hath a spirit which came to her the first time in likenesses of a man, and cloven footed, and that she the said persons wife hath done very much harm to one Dodgeson's goods, who came in at a loop-hole into the said Dodgeson's stable, and she and her spirit together did sit upon his horse or mare, until the said horse or mare died.
And likewise, that she the said Pearson's wife did confess unto her, that she bewitched unto death one Childer's wife, and her daughter, and that she the said Pearson's wife is as ill as she.
Chattox incriminates Demdike
First, the said Anne Whittle, alias Chattox, sayth, that about foureteen years past she entered, through the wicked persuasions and counsel of Elizabeth Southerns, alias Demdike, and was seduced to condescend and agree to become subject unto that devilish abominable profession of witchcraft:
Soon after which, the devil appeared unto her in the likeness of a man, about midnight, at the house of the said Demdike: and thereupon the said Demdike and she, went fourth of the said house unto him; Whereupon the said wicked spirit moved her, that she would become his subject, and give her soul unto him: the which at first, she refused to assent unto; but after, by the great persuasions made by the said Demdike, she yielded to be at his commandment and appointment:
Whereupon the said wicked spirit then said unto her, that he must have one part of her body for him to suck upon; the which she denied then to grant unto him; and withal asked him, what part of her body he would have for that use; who said, he would have a place of her right side near to her ribs, for him to suck upon: whereunto she assented.
And she further sayth, that at the same time, there was a thing in the likeness of a spotted bitch, that came with the said spirit unto the said Demdike, which then did speak unto her in her [Chattox's] hearing, and said, that she should have gold, silver, and worldly wealth, at her will.
And at the same time she sayth, there was victuals, vis. Flesh, butter, cheese, bread, and drink, and bid them eat enough. And after their eating, the devil called Fancy, and the other spirit calling himself Tibb, carried the remnant away: and she sayth, that although they did eat, they were never the fuller, nor better for the same; and that at their said banquet, the said spirits gave them light to see what they did, although they neither had fire nor candle light; and that they were both she spirits, and devils.
Killing of John Nutter
And being further examined how many sundry persons have been bewitched to death, and by whom they were so bewitched: she sayth, that one Robert Nutter, late of the Greenhead in Pendle, was bewitched her [Chattox], the said Demdike, and Widdow Lomshawe, (late of Burnley) now deceased.
Killing of Richard Assheton
And she further sayth, that the said Demdike showed her, that she had bewitched to death, Richard Assheton, son of Richard Assheton of Downham esquire.